
全文检索-AnyTXT Searcher

Windows FeiJiang 1929浏览
Anytxt fast search

AnyTXT Searcher is a powerful local data full-text search engine, just like a local disk Google search engine. It is your ideal desktop content search tool.

AnyTXT Searcher has a powerful document parsing engine built in, which extracts the text of commonly used documents without installing any other software, and combines the built-in high-speed indexing system to store the metadata of the text. You can quickly find any words that exists on your computer with AnyTXT Searcher. It works perfect on Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2008, 2012, 2016 etc.

Formats Supported

  • Plain Text Format (txt, cpp, html, etc.)
  • Microsoft Outlook (eml)
  • Microsoft Word (doc, docx)
  • Microsoft Excel (xls, xlsx)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt, pptx)
  • Portable Document Format (pdf) (beta)
  • More Document Type Will coming…

Mores Features

  • Microsoft Office (doc, xls, ppt) Supported
  • Microsoft Office 2007 (docx, xlsx, pptx, docm, xlsm, docm) Supported
  • PDF Supported(Beta)
  • Non-English document Supported
  • Full Text Search
  • Real Time Search (Beta)
  • SSD Optimization
  • Fast Index
  • Fast Search

download: https://anytxt.net/download/

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